The Importance of Research & Advocacy at Future Civics

  • Informed Decision-Making

    Research and advocacy provide the data and insights needed to make informed decisions that effectively address the unique challenges of rural and isolated communities. By conducting in-depth studies, Future Civics can identify the specific needs, strengths, and opportunities within these communities, ensuring that our initiatives and solutions are tailored and impactful.

  • Influencing Policy and Driving Change

    Advocacy efforts are crucial for influencing policy at local, regional, and national levels. Through research, Future Civics can provide evidence-based recommendations to policymakers, promoting policies that support sustainable development, economic growth, and resilience in rural areas. This helps create a supportive environment for the initiatives and collaborations fostered through our convening efforts.

  • Enhancing Community Empowerment

    Research and advocacy empower communities by giving them a voice and ensuring their concerns and perspectives are heard. By highlighting the issues faced by rural and isolated communities and advocating for their needs, Future Civics helps elevate these communities' profiles and garners support from a broader range of stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector partners, and the public.

How Research and Advocacy is the Next Step to Convening?

Convening is the initial step where stakeholders share experiences, discuss challenges, and explore potential solutions. The insights and relationships developed during these gatherings provide a foundation for targeted research. Research then delves deeper into the issues identified, producing data and recommendations that inform advocacy efforts. Advocacy leverages this research to influence policy and drive systemic change, creating a supportive environment for the solutions developed through convening. This cyclical process ensures that the collaborations and strategies initiated at our events are backed by solid evidence and have the necessary policy support to be sustainable and impactful.